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You are doing Instagram wrong!

Nov 11, 2021

Meet Clearly. IG co-founder Melissa Fiddick and experience sunny Bermuda today while learning why you are doing Instagram wrong!


Allison: Hey everyone happy Thursday. We are at different locations today and I'm super excited to be here with the co-founder of clearly IG, Melissa Fiddick. She has been working behind the scenes for the past few months and finishing the company get set up, started organized systemized all of the things it's. So looks at interviewing section see her today, Bermuda.

And what we're going to talk to you guys about why you're doing instagram wrong! Are you? Because that's what we talk about at practices. So Melissa introduce yourself to the audience. Tell us a little bit about you, um, how you got into being a marketer and just, you know,

Melissa: Sure. Thanks Allison

 Hi everybody. So as Allison said, um, Melissa Fiddick , um, it's

so great to meet you all virtually.

I have been working in marketing now for over six years. I started my marketing career working in the financial services industry for. Large multinational corporation, where I quickly learned the um, the importance of a strong brand and a branch strategy

 and seeing that kind of comes from the top of a globally

organized, it was really, really impactful.

And I'm really looking forward to helping implement that for smaller companies.

You may not have as

much marketing resources and especially with this new digital era of marketing, there's so much potential be done. For quite a little budget, to be honest, with a high returns now.

Yeah. See where this goes and work with everybody.

Allison: Amazing. Amazing. So glad to have you here. And we are kind of in the dynamic calmer teams, because I come from a dental background from the marketing background. I have a couple of really cool things about her. Tell me what languages can you speak?

Melissa: I'll say French, Swedish and English.

Allison: Yeah. So she I didn't even know she speaks French so, um, she is a huge asset to our team, so I'm very excited to have her on board. And if you have any questions? Um, please let us know if she's going to behind the scenes of everything that. So we're going to get dive into this, and we're going to tell you the things that we see most often on when we get started working with a dental company and dental speaker, a dental practice of all, they've been doing Instagram wrong.

And I say that very aggressively to Instagram and the good news is if you have it today, you can change it on your very next post. And you'll see an ROI very quickly. So don't worry. The other reason why clearly IG really came to life was all a lot of marketing agencies, not really sure how to utilize Instagram for the dental industry and dental companies.

And so we wanted to solve that problem. And really, so, Melissa, one of the things that you see when you take over a company that you notice right away it is not done well

Melissa: yeah, where to start with. Um, one thing that I noticed quite quickly when I look on a page is kind of the consistency and the frequency in posting. And when you come to that

page rather than pay for a product or a service, whether it is dentistry

or not Instagram is kind of about

building trust and that's where your consumers and your clients come to learn a little bit about you.

It's not the best thing when someone comes to your page and who haven't posted in the past 10 years, and all of your content is from 2001. The

people that are present on your feed are no

longer working for you. So, um, yeah, frequency of posting and consistency is definitely a big one.

Allison: That's huge. And I love the story cause it shocked me honestly, but this is a true story.

One of our client told us that one of his patients called the practice and we're like, oh my gosh, I'm so surprised you're open. Because your Instagram hasn't been updated in the last three months. I thought you shut down during Covid. So if you're instagram has been dead for like years then, you know that you're audience is not going to trust that you're going to be there.

So we liked that you build trust with your audiences or clients with your patients and the people that you want to drag with the post. So that's a really wide. Tell me another thing you can see.

Melissa: Another thing is the consistency. Consistency

is a big theme here, but when I mentioned consistency now,

consistency of the content you're posting and its relation to kind of your, your specific grand strategy brand vision who are look and


You want to have an enough unique

profile, but you want it to also be aligned with your specific tone of voice and your look, your brand, your symbolism, and want to see your posts and know that it comes from you while I'm still showing an interesting and engaging message.

Allison: I love that as I love that. Yes. That's something that. We call them our glow ups.

So when you have a page go from, you know, just being posted to every once in a while and we see the page blow up. What we typically see is like the font, the color scheme. You'll see a brand come to light on the page. And the great thing about Instagram is that it's such a visual platform that you can get people to feel something about your page in seconds, and you want to be able to capitalize and like really take advantage of that because it is such a visual platform.

I'm going to go ahead to the next one. Cause this one guy saying, um, and it's something that's very frustrating when it comes to your marketing complications. So I guess I'm marketing companies are pivoting right now and should think of trying to figure out what to do with Instagram because stock images used to work, but they don't anymore.

They absolutely do not. And so when you post to your page, Authenticity is trending. It is not only trying to get as necessary. And so stock images now, when you're just posting, stopping just every single day, they're not going to get engagement your, your patients or audience or clients are not even going to get to know you each store, like if you're looking at your patient volume, so you saw stock images, whether it be from your internal marketing company, doing it started on the journey.

We need to start changing that and start taking.

Melissa: Yeah. All right. Another thing that we noticed as well is this is kind of a finicky one, but when you're posting your video content, because this was super popular and super vital on your page for if this engagement is not selecting a cover photo, when someone comes to your page and they see a bunch of black squares, because you haven't bothered to select a cover photo for your videos, it's unlikely that anyone's going to tap on


Hence unlikely. Generate any of those, any of those leads into actual clients.

Allison: Yes, absolutely. Those things are crazy to see like a black image. I'm like, I don't know if this is a problem, you have to do this editing that video to either have like the start of the video with somebody's face or whatever it was about, not the black part.

And then, or like Melissa said that upload a screenshot or an image to be there on the feed. So I know this sounds like a lot of work. Sometimes this is something that I get from my clients a lot. Like Instagram's a lot of work, like it's, it takes so much time. And so why, like what makes it worth it in your opinion?

Why is Instagram so important in today's world and age, especially for dental practice? Like, why is it important for a

dental practice?

Melissa: Simply consumers are changing. Consumers needs are also changing. Millennials are the largest cohort of buyers that are coming up. And even if they're not your clients, now

you have to market to where your, your clients are.

There are no longer reading newspapers. They're on social media, they're on their phones all day. So I think that just, we are a long is, is the answer right there constantly.

Allison: I talk about this all the time and sometimes I have doctor say, I don't get any patients from Instagram. And there are a couple of like different strategies with Instagram and you can have a strategy to get your patients.

Absolutely. And that strategy is pretty specific and you can talk to us about that. You're interested in it and they're like, we want to get. You definitely chat with us.

Just having a presence. Your Instagram is your new website. That's where your patients are going to see.

That's where your patients go to see like who you are, what you're about. They like really judge your brand and your clinic. Based on your instagram. Expect tons of time putting in


resources, energy into your website. The same thing needs to happen to your Instagram page now because millennials like Melissa said, on the judging you and looking for who you are from that page.

So if you were to say, what's your favorite thing about it? That's great.

Melissa: Functionality. And that's another thing. Tagging onto the mistakes that we see so often is not utilizing all our agents on Instagram. Especially with the whole ladder reels on Instagram, to compete with Tik TOK. It's been huge. So if you're just posting to your feed,

you're missing more than half the engagement,

there's your stories and that IGtv

so I've been really fun to mix up your multimedia format. You can throw in so many times

just get so creative. You have your

gifts, you have your it's just so much fun. I think it's a real waste. Just posting static images to their feed. They're not

going live and putting face to camera. People want to see, people want to see, as Ally mentioned, the

authenticity, we want to see your failures, your high points, your low points.

That's what consumers are demanding. If you're not going to provide it, someone else will.

Allison: Exactly. Exactly. So let's wrap up with giving our audience five things to change today with their Instagram

If you could walk away from this video and to be able to go and put some things into action. What would you say? Like we can work on it together.

but authenticity just trending. That's why we're here in bermuda in our home having a work day and we're coming on live. Let's think of the five things that we could give people today that they can go back and really implement them and make a change to their Instagram

Melissa: number one I'd say is back to basics. So you can sit your marketing, you have your friend, right? So a

rule of thumb is

I'm also a graphic designer so when I'm designing the pages.

I like

to look at a color, a color palette, your fonts, your logo, get those set in stone. Make sure you're happy with those.

Those are your fundamentals and your bases. Yes, you can build on those and add stuff. But those need to be consistent throughout on your pages. That will be fundamental showing your audience. Who you really are.

Allison: Love that. And that's where you get to see that consistency of your brand. On your page the first time,people will see one of your posts to be like, wow, I know that company that's clear coaching, Clearl IG

um, I would say the second thing is don't be afraid to get on camera as a dental assistant office manager. I know how hard it is sometimes to make that time in the practice to capture the special moments, those things that really matter when it comes to your content strategy. And sometimes I hear people say, I feel uncomfortable promoting myself.

I feel uncomfortable getting on camera, but remember, it's not about you. It's about the people that you're serving. So, if you can get on camera educate and help them know who you are, what you do, what you stand for, this will help patients trust you and get service from you..

Melissa: Um, number three definitely makes social media part of your culture, your

daily culture within your practice. It does it, it shouldn't be

something you have to work to accomplish. It's as simple as pulling out your phone during a meeting.


a team selfie to see you and your everyday life behind the scenes.

So, um, and once it becomes a habit, it's super easy to just start building your libraries of content, use these in different ways going forward. Um, there's so many ways you can get creative people post weekly joke a patient of the week, always remembering to get consent, but before and after photos, just really building your library and making it a habit.

Everyone on your team. And I'm not just one or two people every one on your team to participate in building that content, but in the long run, it's going to help you see returns in your practice.

Allison: Love that line. I'd love that. And this was one of my favorite mantras and I'm pushing it to everyone on my instagram is bulk creation is everything. So when you're capturing photos, when you're, when you're right, just do them all at once.

And your team's system morning meetings, daily huddles take content and stockpile of images. You should never go to your Instagram and say, what should I post to Instagram? Because your strategy isn't. So I would either.

Um, four thing I would say is let yourself, so as a millennial, we grew up with social media and it's so intuitive to us. And sometimes if you didn't grow up in our generation, it can feel very overwhelming. And this is just too much. I am never going to learn this. You're asking me that question. So just know her, not like if you need to learn and want to learn a lot, helps me to begin to notice, needs to learn.

It's a complicated system and there's a lot to it, but let yourself be beginner and just know that there are no bad questions. And Instagram is meant for you to show up how you want to on that platform to accomplish your goals. You don't have to be any type of way. You don't have to be a dancing dentist.

You don't have to like show up with like amazing photos and travel destinations. Like you get to decide what your page is gonna look like.

Melissa: Yeah. And seek inspiration, right? There's how many billions of users on

social media look at, look at pages that you aspire to be like, take notes and see what they're doing. See what people are doing. And he goes, you have to learn, learn from others, learn from their mistakes, learn what you don't like an expert, implementing that on your own.

Number five.

Allison: I know.

I would say, make sure you got geotag, this is when we look at a page

and one of them is using your location. And we want to do this because it allows more people to find where you are located and that's our goal. Remember, it's people connecting to people and you want people to find you organically from you just posting a location search locations. And if somebody is new to locations, they don't even know they're looking for a dentist.

They've come across your page. They see that you're warm friendly this year before and after they see a happy team, happy patients.

Melissa: And what is Geotag?

Allison: Good question. So you typing is searching the location. That is you don't always want to search in dental office. So it's just that people are taking their specific dental office. Every time the reality is students are not looking for following them, searching. So search your city around your street and neighborhoods in your city so that you can fit specifically geotag or attach location to that post.

And then people get pulled up. How can we not get into hashtags? So many? That's why we're here. So we're going to help you. Um, With your social media, surely it is growing. Melissa's coming on full time to support us next week, we have this big celebration. So we're going to answer any questions that you have.

So reach out to us book a free consultation.

So, thank you so much for joining us today in beautiful Bermuda, we just want to make you jealous a little bit. Um, but enjoy the rest of your day. And leave us a comment, like share this video.


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