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The Clear Perspective with Dr. Kelly Tanner

Dec 20, 2021

Had a blast chatting with Dr. Kelly Tanner in this episode!
We talked about the Dental Impact Summit 2022! 

Dental Impact Summit - Impact Dental 2022 (

Get in touch with Dr. Kelly Tanner!
Instagram: @nextleveldh

Allison: Happy Monday, everyone. It is Allison Lacoursiere here and we are doing a little bit of a different clear perspective today because we have some exciting things launching very soon and we want you to be the first to know so first and foremost, I need to introduce you to Dr. Kelly Tanner. Hi, happy Monday.  

Dr. Kelly Tanner: Thank you, Allison, for having me on happy Monday. 

Allison: Good to have you here. Um, although, you know, we talk a lot, um, we work a lot together, but I'm really excited for my audience to get to know you. So just please, like tell us about you, what you're doing, the industry, you know, where you came from and what you're most excited about, right now.  

Dr. Kelly Tanner: Oh, for sure. Thank you. 

Thanks for having me on hi, all Alli followers it's so nice to be in front of you. Um, I'm a dental hygienist. I started off in dentistry when I was 17. Went to dental hygiene school. Got my master's, was in education for, still am but in the dental hygiene education for 24 years. Wild. How time flies. 24 years just like that. 

And was also in private practice faculty practice, when I was in dental hygiene academia, taught dental hygienists, dental, students, and residents from all over Virginia. Basically. And then I went into corporate roles. I've been in research and I've kind of done the whole gamut of being an entrepreneur, owning a business consulting and then doing consulting, practicing as well. 

So what led me to my level of love of people is just, you know, seeing the difference that we make in the industry and chairside and making that larger impact for our patients. And then we can only do that together. So I went back to school. I went and got my PhD in organizational leadership and business, because I wanted to understand how to bring teams together more effectively to learn how to turn the ship right. 

And for us to all communicate and bring each other to our highest potential. So in doing that, it gave me some insight and pearls of wisdom based on my experience. Based on, you know, my personal experience is being a clinician, those who have consulted with and, um, learned from and taught as well. And those offices that I advise in, in the dental industry and actually beyond because leadership and communication and all the skillsets of leadership, aren't just unique to dentistry. 

It's unique to life and, and, um, performing at our highest level and our highest self. So. What lights me up is that I get to be here with you sharing something that Alice and I are doing in January that I wish, honestly, that I would have known five years ago. Right. I mean, even 10 years ago, maybe even last year, some of the stuff that we're going to, that we're going to impart right now,  

Allison: a hundred percent. 

So really like if you guys have known me, you've been following me for awhile, you know, like high-performance, high-potential is one of my favorite things and that's really how, um, Dr. Kelly Tanner and I like became so aligned. We got introduced through aligned technology working on some exciting things together. 

And we were like. Wait, are we best friends? Through like one conversation where like, wait a second, like you love high-performance you love teams, you love coaching. Um, you love personal development, just as much as I do, which is pretty crazy because we both are like the biggest personal development nerd. So really that's why we came together. 

Um, we had those shared vision. And so I'm the type of friend and Kelly or the type of friend that during this time of year, we get really self-reflective. We think about our goals. We ask all of our friends like what is your goal for next year? Where are you going? What are you doing? We do that with our clients as well. 

And so we came together and we decided that we're going to share some of the gifts, some of the challenges, some of the struggles that we've learned over the past decade in dentistry, five years in dentistry, to help more people lead with that. And so we're going to be on January 14th, leading a full day workshop called dental impact summit 2022. 

And this honestly never feels like work when I'm helping people like lead with more impact, get more impact, um, design their lives around their values, their vision, their mission, um, because it helps people just grow. It helps people be more aligned. Um, it helps people take that next step in their lives. 

Catalina and I both been in situations in our own lives and our own personal practice where we felt stuck. And we felt like we didn't know where to go, who to turn to, you know, what direction we should take. We even both have talked about, you know, we almost left the industry because we just didn't know the direction to take. 

And so our goal with the summit it's a full day workshop is to help you get really aligned with who you are and what you're meant to be doing any industry. Let me, I'm going to let, I'm gonna stop there and let you add to that.  

Dr. Kelly Tanner: Yeah, sure. And it you're so right. We've been stuck. And then I feel like I get unstuck and I can hear, and all the social chatter that we feel like we're stuck. 

We feel like we feel like we're burnt out. And I think that one of the reasons why that happens is because, because we get too far away from the why, and while we originally went into what our love is, which is dentistry. Right. And I think that. By rediscovering that by aligning back with your personal mission, your values, you're able to understand your purpose and how you show up. 

And, you know, people always talk about leading, leaving a legacy behind, but I think it's important to live your legacy and while you're still alive and to live in it, to show people how to, how to do it. And that's part of my why, because I want to teach and impart and then grow and then learn to fix. 

From everyone else. So it's not just aligning, it's also aligning your, your values, your passion, your vision, looking at what your legacy is that you, that you are going to live and leave behind. And then guess what we need to do. We need to break it. We break it down into little bitty micro actions, and we say, how do we make this happen for you? 

Because that's, what's different about this. That's what's different because typically you, you guys know how it is. You show up to a workshop. You're like, you got all your handouts and your, all your little highlights. And you're like, okay, good. I'm gonna go back on Monday and do it. And no, you can pull it out of your little desk drawer, but this is going to allow you to. 

Make it very specific to you customizable to you based on your goals. And you can say, this is my goal for week one, week two. How am I measuring it? And we're going to take you into, into the deep dive of how this is going to make an impact on your life.  

Allison: A hundred percent. So join us. We are inviting you. 

We're actually challenging you to not stay stuck to not have another year like this year. If you felt stuck, if you felt like you were not living into your potential, we want to challenge you to join us. We wanted to spend a full day with you to design your personal mission, your legacy. And then hope you put them into actionable plans. 

And one of my favorite quotes lately, and I wish I could remember who said, this is if you want to win once,you set a goal, if you want to win again and again, use that system. So we will help you with those systems, those strategies, you know, the clarity that you need in order to take yourself to the next level. 

So. We are super excited to be launching this. We would love to see you there. Um, join us. There's the link in our bio. If you have any questions about it. If you're like, is this for me? I don't know. I've tried to do something like this before. I wasn't sure. Please just send us a message chat. We'll chat with you about it, but we're challenging you into 2022 to have the best year ever  

Dr. Kelly Tanner: you were made for more level up. 

It's time to level up and live your life the way  

Allison: you want. Exactly. So any questions at all, you're going to see a lot of, um, us talking about this, getting really excited for it. Don't miss it, join us and you're going to have the best year possible. So thanks so much for joining me today, Kelly. Um, I'm excited to continue spreading the word about this. 

If you know anybody that you know has been talking about figuring out their personal legacy, needing to make a plan and needing to have some coaching on their goals, send them our way. We're super excited to share with them. Awesome. Thanks,  

Dr. Kelly Tanner: Thanks Allison!



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